TWAC 2019

In the first 2 weeks of december the little town of San Sabastian on the island La Gomera becomes the central hub for the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. Atlantic Dutchesses traveled to the island on the 4th of december to meet the teams of this year's race and to get a taste of what lays a head.

Arriving at the airport of Tenerife we met up with Melissa, who flew in from Spain, and a short bus ride later we stept on to the ferry that took us to the island of La Gomera. As soon as San Sabastian came into view we started recognizing the buildings and the harbour from the documentaries and video's we have been watching about the race. We stept of the docks and the first thing we saw were the ocean rowing boats lined up for gear inspection. What a view! Jim from 1 to row immediately invited us to come and check out his boat. We dropped our suitcases and bags right then and there and started snooping around asking questions and checking out the boats.  

The next mornings were filled with brainstorm- and post-it sessions, finishing to-do lists and planning the coming year. Our afternoons were spend in the harbour speaking to this and next years racers and we also had a meeting for future rowers organized by Atlantic Campaigns. On the last day with the four of us we decided to stretch our legs and go for a hike. We took the bus inland and after 15 minutes stept out into a completely different landscape: mountains all around us, beautiful cacti and lots of goats. As we hiked the 10 kilometers back to the town the ocean came into view and we were treaded on some amazing scenery. 

Back in town we met up with Angus from Rannoch adventures to talk a little bit more about our boat and any tips and tricks for next year's race. Even more information was shared that night by two Dutch teams from previous years: Dutch Atlantic Four and Mark Slats. It went on to be a late night with our heads spinning from all the information and perhaps also from the beers and desperado's. 

On Sunday Melissa and I got the ferry back to Tenerife and Iris and Eva stayed on La Gomera for the race start. As we sat there on the ferry we realized that next year we would not need a return ticket. We would have to row an ocean to get home.  

Text: Marieke Kietsealer
Photo's: Eva Janssens @